Saturday, January 31, 2015

[SR5] Patrol IC behavior + Host security levels

You may be interested in my SR5 Matrix Rules Summary.

The rulebook does not specify exactly how to run Patrol IC behavior is supposed to work.

I came up with a system (with help from the people at that integrates your Overwatch Score into the host's "security level". It also defines what the Patrol IC does.

Here is a sample host, but host behavior may vary (differing OS thresholds, Patrol IC check frequency, etc.).

OS 0-9
OS 10-29 Go to Yellow Alert (if at Green)
OS 30+ Go to Red Alert

  • Green Alert (normal operation)
    • Patrol IC doesn't scan for silent icons
    • Patrol IC investigates first illegal action per turn
    • Patrol IC monitors for custom condition (e.g. checking a special file for marks) once a turn
    • If alarm raised, launches Level 1 IC
  • Yellow Alert (cautious operation)
    • System decker alerted
    • Patrol IC scans for silent icons once per turn, but does not launch IC unless an illegal action is committed
    • Patrol IC investigates first illegal action per turn
    • Patrol IC monitors for custom behavior (e.g. checking a special file for marks) every pass
    • If alarm raised, launches Level 1|2 IC
  • Red Alert (high threat response mode)
    • System decker alerted
    • Patrol IC scans for silent icons every pass and immediately launches IC if spotted
    • Patrol IC investigates first illegal action per pass
    • Patrol IC monitors for custom behavior (e.g. checking a special file for marks) every pass
    • If alarm raised, launches Level 1|2|3 IC
    • (Optional host behavior such as archiving files or rebooting)

  • Patrol IC
    • Launches IC if a spotted icon ("loud" or "silent" but already spotted) performs an illegal action
    • No initiative needs to be rolled until Yellow Alert

  • Level 1 IC
    • Acid (Firewall)
    • Binder (Data Processing)
    • Jammer (Attack)
    • Marker (Sleaze)
    • Crash (crashes a program)
    • Track
    • Killer (Matrix damage)
  • Level 2 IC
    • Blaster (matrix + stun damage, linklock)
    • Scramble (reboots you)
    • Tar Baby (linklock + mark)
  • Level 3 IC
    • Sparky(matix + biofeedback damage)
    • Black IC (matix + biofeedback damage, linklock)

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

[SR5] Technomancer Rules Summary

Entries in curly braces {{{ }}} are house rules, typically because the existing rules are unclear.

  • TMs are constantly in AR mode
  • Dropping into VR mode puts them into a "trance"
    • This gives you +2 to all Matrix actions, but NOT Resonance actions
    • You can only be in hot-sim VR
  • Resonance
    • "attribute represents how connected you are to the Resonance"
    • Resonance max is Essence rounded down
    • Whenever Essence is lost, you lose an equal amount of Resonance rounded up
    • Hitting zero Resonance means you lose the Technomancer quality and all Resonance abilities
  • Resonance Signature
    • Whenever a Resonance ability is used, it leaves behiind a unique signature = user's Resonance rating
    • Lasts for 1 hour * rating
    • Resonance beings can detect a signature as long as they get 3 hits on a Matrix Perception test
      • If you've seen it before you recognize it (or do a Memory Test, GM discretion)
      • 5+ hits = "you get an impression of what kind of being or ability left it there"
    • Resonance beings have their own signatures "on themselves all the time" at the corresponding rating
    • Sprites and their actions leave signatures for their compiling TM
    • You can hide anyone's Resonance signature for 1 Combat Turn per hit on Erase Signature
  • Resonance Actions
    • Only usable in the Matrix but are not Matrix actions (no Overwatch score accrual)
    • You do not get bonus VR dice for Resonance actions
  • Living Persona
    • You cannot store data, you have to store it on a "nearby device" (typically a commlink)
    • Matrix Attributes:
      • Device Rating = Resonance
      • Attack = Charisma
      • Sleaze = Intuition
      • Data Processing = Logic
      • Firewall = Willpower
    • Matrix damage is counted as Stun damage
    • You cannot be a slave or a matser, or part of a PAN or WAN
    • May add Resonance to Addiction Tests for hot-sim
    • You get an additional +2 to Matrix Perception tests
    • Resonance abilities cannot be used through other devices like a commlink or a deck
    • Can reboot their living persona as Reboot Device, but it doesn't count as a Matrix Action
  • Threading
    • Uses the Resonance Action "Thread Complex Form"
    • Must also choose a Level for the effect (up to 3 x Resonance)
    • Affected by noise, different grid and public grid modifiers
    • Complex Forms only usable on spotted icons
      • Complex Forms that target Devices can also target Personas (p.252)
    • Sustaining a complex form gives you a -2 penalty on all actions per sustained form
    • Anything that may break your concentration requires a Resonance + Willpower (2) test
      • Cannot sustain forms when unconscious
    • Complex Forms always cause Fading
    • Fading = (Complex form Fade Value) or (DV 2), whichever is higher
      • Note that Complex Forms have specific fade values relative to the Level
    • Threading test net hits > Resonance rating, damage is Physical
    • Threading test net hits <= Resonance rating, damage is Stun
  • Killing Complex Forms
    • Used to kill another technomacner's form without their permission
    • Software + Resonance [Mental] vs. (complex form Level) + (threader Resonance)
    • Each net hit reduces hits from their threading test, 0 hits ends the complex form
    • Must resist Fading as if you threaded the targeted complex form
  • Learning Complex Forms (p.252)
    • Learn a complex by analyzing it with Software + Intuition [Mental]
      • (# of hits / 12) = days it takes to learn
    • Can know up to (Resonance * 2) complex forms
  • Complex Forms
    • Diffusion of (Matrix Attribute)
      • Target = Device|Persona
      • Duration = Sustained
      • Force value = Level + 1
      • Software + Resonance[Level] vs. Willpower + Data Firewall
      • Their attribute is reduced by net hits (cannot drop below 1)
      • {{{Threading another Diffusion for the same attribute replaces the old Diffusion (they do not stack)}}}
    • Puppeteer
      • Target = Device|Persona
      • Duration = immediate
      • Force value = Level + 4
      • Software + Resonance[Level] vs. Willpower + Firewall (1|2|3)
        • Free/Simple/Complex Action = 1/2/3 threshold
      • Success means the target does specified Matrix action as their next action
    • Resonance Veil
      • Target = Device|Persona
      • Duration = Sustained
      • Force value = Level - 1
      • Software + Resonance[Level] vs. Intuition + Data Processing
      • Target "believes something has happened in the Matrix"
      • If the target has reason to believe it's fake, they get Matrix Perception vs. (net hits)
  • Fading
    • Resisted by Resonance + Willpower
    • Damage is only healable naturally through rest
    • Caused by threading complex forms or sprite summoning
      • see "Threading" or "Sprites" for specific damage reules
  • Sprites
    • General
      • Device Rating and Resonance = Level
      • Matrix Atributes are based on level and type of sprite
      • If Sprite is physically tracked, it gives location of the owner (same for Convergence)
      • Matrix Condition = 8 + (Level / 2)
      • Sprites are personas, and cnanot be part of a PAN or WAN
      • Commanded using the "Command Sprite" Resonance Simple Action (see Command Sprite Resonance Action for more details)
      • Sprite-Technomancer Link (p.256)
        • Can communicate with your sprite through the Matrix (text, images, etc.)
        • Losing connection to the Matrix also loses connection to the sprites (but is restored when you're back online)
        • Registered sprites will wait for you to come back, but compiled sprites will vanish
    • Compiling a Sprite
      • May be compiled at a Level up to (2 * Resonance)
      • Every net hit on the Compile Sprite (Resonance) action is one task the sprite will do
      • Limit of one compiled sprite at a time
      • When compiled, Overwatch Score starts
      • Convergence makes the sprite vanish immediately
      • Owner is the TM who compiled it, and has their Resonance signature
    • Compiled Sprite Tasks
    • Task can be one of
      • single use of a sprite power
      • one Combat Turn worth of Matrix actions to the same job
      • participation in cybercombat until all enemy combatants have been defeated or you escape safely
      • (Sustaining a power counts as 1 task indefinitely unless you change it in some way)
  • Registering a Sprite
    • Registering requires (# of hours) = sprite Level
      • Sprite Overwatch Score does not increase due to time while it is being registered
      • Neither you nor the sprite can take other actions during this period
    • Registering + Resonance [Level] v. (Sprite Level * 2)
      • One net hit will result in successful registering
      • Each net hit will also add to that sprite's # of tasks
      • OS is erased immediately
    • Registered sprites do not count against your compiled sprite limit of one
    • You can register # of sprites <= Logic (this is from Errata)
    • Sprite will stay with you as long as it owes you at least one task
  • Registered Sprite Tasks
    • Special task list only for registered sprites:
      • Compiled Sprite Task
      • Aid Study
      • Assist Threading
      • Loaned Task
      • Remote Task
      • Re-register Sprite
      • Standby
      • Sustain Complex Form
  • Decompiling
    • You can dismiss your own sprites {{{for free}}, decompiling is used for other owners's sprites
    • Decompiling + Resonance [Social] vs. (sprite Level) + (compiler's Resonance only if sprite is registered)
      • Net hits reduce # of owed sprite tasks by 1
      • When the sprite reaches 0 tasks, it returns to the Resonance on its next action
  • Sprite powers
    • Using a sprite power is a Standard Resonance action
    • Camouflage
    • Cookie
    • Diagnostics
    • Electron Storm
    • Gremlins
    • Hash
    • Stability
    • Suppression
      • {{{The exact implementation of the rules for this are unclear. What lies below is my own interpretation.}}}
        • Sprite uses it to "stun" the next IC to be spawned for (Level / 2) turns. This takes up one power usage.
        • The IC will still spawn and be visible, it just can't (and no one can act against it)
    • Watermark
  • Fade damage when compiling/decompiling/registering
    • Fading = 2 * (opposed sprite net hits)
    • Sprite rating > Resonance, damage is Physical
    • Sprite rating <= Resonance, damage is Stun
  • Submersion
    • Strengthens the TM's connection with the Resonance
    • Measured in Grades, starting from Grade 1 (cannot exceed your Resonance attribute)
    • {{{Cost for submersion is 10 + (Grade * 3)}}}
      • The original text is 10 x (Grade + 3) but this is a mistake
    • If Resonance is ever lowered below Submersion, the Submersion grade goes down as well
    • Resonance can be increased up to 6 + Submersion grade (spending Karma as normal to do so)
    • Allows access to the Resonance Realms
    • Each submersion grade gives you a new echo power
    • Each Echo cannot be picked more than once unless otherwise stated
    • Echoes
      • Attack Upgrade: +1 Attack, max(2)
    • Data Processing Upgrade: +1 Data Processing, max(2)
      • Firewall Upgrade: +1 Firewall, max(2)
      • Mind over Machine: +1 Rating control rig, max(3)
      • NeuroFilter: +1 biofeedback resist, max(2)
        • Note that this does not protect against Fade damage.
      • Overclocking: +1d6 hot-sim VR
      • Resonance Link: Establishes a one-way empathic link with another TM.
      • Resonance [Program]: This echo lets you copy the effects of one common or hacking program (p. 245). Can be taken once per type of program
      • Sleaze Upgrade: +1 Sleaze, max(2)
  • Resonance Actions
    • Call/Dismiss Sprite (Simple)
    • Command Sprite (Simple)
      • Sprites are intelligent and will follow orders to the best of their ability.
      • If the command is complex or confusing, the sprite rolls a (Level * 2) test against a threshold set by the GM to see if it understands.
    • Compile Sprite (Complex)
    • Decompile Sprite (Complex)
    • Kill Complex Form Sprite (Complex)
    • Register Sprite (Complex)
    • Thread Complex Form (Complex)
  • Types of sprites (p. 259)
    • Courier
      • Cookie, Hash
    • Crack
      • Suppression
    • Data
      • Camouflage, Watermark
    • Fault
      • Electron Storm
    • Machine
      • Diagnostics, Gremlins, Stability

Friday, January 23, 2015

[SR5] Matrix rules summary

Opti has a neat flowchart for Matrix actions here.

Anything in curly braces {{{ }}} is a house rule. Usually the original rule or an explanation as to why is listed right after it.
  • Everything in the Matrix is an icon
    • Rules prevent icons from not resembling their actual identity (e.g. must look like a person, or a file)
    • Matrix appears by default as a "black flatland under a black sky"
    • Typically displays one icon per PAN
      • But will still display dangerous devices on that network separately
  • Terminology
    • Hosts are a "self-contained place in the Matrix... [with] no physical location, as they exist purely in the Matrix cloud"
    • Everything in the matrix is one of these six things: persona, device, PAN, file, host, or a mark
    • Datastream visibility is filtered out by default but can be shown (but are useless without snooping)
    • Personas are usually based on a commlink, cyberdeck, rigged vehicle/drone, or technomancer
    • Devices represent electronic devices (such as cars, music players, maglocks, etc.). Typically they do something in the physical world
    • Files are a collection of data, or possibly a collection of files (a "folder")
    • Marks (matrix authentication recognition key) "keeps track of which personas have access to which devices, files hosts, and other personas"
    • Grids are a Matrix Service Provider
      • All public and global grids are accessible at any time
      • Local grids are only accessible if you are physically in the area
      • Hopping between grids is still confined to what is available in your area
      • Grid by lifestyle:
        • Low or lower = public grid
        • Middle = local grid
        • High = global grid (pick a Big Ten megacorp as provider)
        • Luxury = any grid you want
    • Commlinks are a "combination computer, smartphone, media player, passport, wallet, credit card, Matrix browser, chip reader, GPS navigator, digital camera, and portable gaming device"
      • Data Processing and Firewall are = commlink's Device Rating
    • Cyberdecks (p. 227)
      • about the size of a small tablet or notebook
      • built-in sim module
    • Direct Neural Interface is required for VR
      • This can come from trodes or having an implanted (datajacks|commlink|cyberdeck)
  • Matrix Attributes
    • Attack, Sleaze, Data Processing, Firewall
  • Matrix Condition Monitor
    • Every device in the Matrix has health = 8 + (Device Rating / 2)
    • Damage is resisted by Device Rating + Firewall
    • No wound modifiers (except Technomancers since they take Stun damage)
    • Filling the Matrix damage track "dumps" you
    • Repairing device Matrix damage requires:
      • toolkit
      • an hour of work
      • Hardware + Logic [Mental] test (every hit repairs one box or cuts future repair session times in half)
        • Device is not usable during the repair process
        • Critical glitches permanently break the device
  • IC and sprites also take matrix damage but cannot be repaired
    • Biofeedback damage
      • Resisted by Willpower + Firewall
      • Stun if cold-cim, Physical if hot-sim
  • Dumpshock
    • If you disconnect from the Matrix while in VR without going to AR first, you get dumpshock
    • 6S or 6P depending on cold/hot sim
    • Resisted as normal Biofeedback (but if you got dumped due to a bricked deck you don't get Firewall to help resist)
    • You also suffer 2 to all actions for (10 - Willpower) minutes
  • Link-locked
    • Any persona (includes agent, techno, sprite) can be link-locked
    • When locked, you cannot use Switch Interface mode, Enter/Exit Host, or Reboot actions on your device
    • You can escape with a successful Jack Out (p. 240) action but you still suffer dumpshock
    • Typically falling unconscious during VR will switch you to AR automatically, but link-lock prevents this
      • IC will keep attacking you even when unconscious
  • User Modes
    • AR
      • Can be used without falling into a trance
      • -2 to Perception tests in physical space
    • Cold-sim VR
      • All physical senses blocked (as if asleep)
      • Initiative is Data Processing + Intuition + 3d6
      • Biofeedback damage is Stun
    • Hot-sim VR
      • All physical senses blocked (as if asleep)
      • Initiative is Data Processing + Intuition + 4d6
      • Biofeedback damage is Physical
      • +2 to all Matrix actions
  • Noise
    • Caused by distance, nearby electronics, natural/artificial dampening, cosmic background radiation, etc.
    • Spam zones has huge Matrix traffic and everything is slowed
    • Static zones have electromagnetic blockage (tunnels, sewers, deep in a steel building) or are far away from civilization (deserts, north pole, in the middle of the ocean)
    • Noise penalty = distance + situational - noise reduction
      • Penalty never applied to defense or resistance tests
    • Distance table (p.231):
      • Direct connection = 0
      • 0 - 100m = 0
      • .1 - 1.0km = 1
      • 1.01 - 10km = 3
      • 10.01 - 100km = 5
      • > 100.01km = 8
    • Situational modifier table:
      • Faraday cage = no signal
      • Salt water = 1 per cm
      • Fresh water = 1 per 10cm
      • Dense foliage = 1 per 5m
      • Metal-laced earth or wall = 1 per 5m
      • Wireless negation (wallpaper or paint) = Rating
      • Spam or Static zone = Rating
        • 1 = City downtown | Abandoned building
        • 2 = Sprawl downtown | Abandoned neighborhood, barrens
        • 3 = Major event or advertising blitz | Rural area, abandoned underground area, heavy rain/snow
        • 4 = Commercial area in a city | Wilderness, severe storm
        • 5 = Commercial area in a sprawl | Remote place with satellite access only
        • 6 = Massive gathering or widespread emergency | Remote enclosed place (cave, desert ruin)
      • {{{For Spam and Static Zones, take the worst of the target and the source. If the target is in a 4 noise spam zone and the source is in a 2 Static zone, they both have 4 noise to interact with each other.}}}
  • Illegal Actions
    • Failed Attack deals 1 damage per net defense hit (UNRESISTABLE)
    • Failed Sleaze puts a mark on you and informs host, who launches IC
  • Overwatch score
    • Accumulates whenever you perform an illegal action
    • Rebooting clears your marks and score
    • Each hit on a defense test (regardless of test success or failure) adds to the score
    • Every {{{5 + 3d6}}} minutes from the first tally, it increases another 2D6 (rolled in secret by the DM)
      • Rules-as-written: 15 minutes
    • If outside a host or when leaving a host with score 40+, convergence occurs
      • You get hit with 12 DV Matrix damage (resist normally)
      • forced to reboot (dumpshock applied if in VR)
        • This even applies to technomancers
      • physical location reported to owner of the grid and your current host
    • Can use the Check Overwatch Score action or Baby Monitor program to check your score
      • DM should not tell player how many hits the defense is getting
  • PANs & WANs
    • Can slave (Device Rating x 3) devices to your commlink or deck
    • Whenever slaves defend, they can use master's firewall or their own rating for the test
    • Marks on slaves apply to master as well
    • In reverse, if you fail a sleaze on a slaved device only its owner marks you, not the master as well
    • WANs can slave unlimited devices
      • Being inside a host that has a WAN makes you "directly connected" to all devices in the WAN
    • Only devices can be slaves/masters/part of a PAN (not personas, files, etc.)
    • When directly connected to a device: (p. 358-359)
      • you can target a device on a network independently without being on the host
      • the device cannot use the host rating in tests
  • Grids
    • Targets must always be on a grid
      • Megacorps would be on their global grid
      • Smaller companies and wealthier people would be on the local or private grid
      • Lower class people/organizations would be on the public grid
    • Matrix actions against a target on a different grid have a -2 penalty (including trying to grid jump!)
    • Changing grids requires either Grid-Hop (if you have access) or Brute Force/Hack on the Fly
      • Penalties only apply when you're outside of a host
    • The public grid has a -2 penalty always, even in a host (on a public grid)
  • Typical Device Ratings
    • 1 = General appliances, public terminals, entertainment systems
    • 2 = Standard personal electronics, basic cyberware, vehicles, drones, weapons, residential security devices
    • 3 = Security vehicles, alphaware, corporate security devices
    • 4 = High-end devices, betaware, military vehicles and security devices
    • 5 = Deltaware, credsticks, black-ops vehicles and security devices
    • 6 = Billion-nuyen experimental devices, space craft
  • Matrix Spotting Table
    • Not running silent
      • < 100m = Automatic
      • 100+ m = Simple Computer + Intuition [Data Processing]
      • a host (any distance) = automatic
    • Running silent
      • Must first check if there are any silent icons in the vicinity (within 100m or in the same host)
      •  Opposed Computer + Intuition [Data Processing] vs. Logic + Sleaze (1 net hit = detect)
      • If there are multiple silent running icons, you roll once against a random one
        • {{{If you know "a feature" of an icon running silent (e.g. the last one who attacked you), you can look for a specific one}}}
  • Matrix Perception
    • Autospot anything within 100m that is not running silent
    • Spotting beyond 100m or any silent device requires a test (see Matrix Spotting Table)
    • Any marked icon is always visible
    • Any spotted icon will stay visible even if it starts running silent
      • Icon can use the Hide action or reboot/jack out
    • If you are running silent you have a -2 modifier to all Matrix actions
    • Sample things you can perceive per hit:
      • Spot a target
      • The most recent edit date of a file.
      •  The number of boxes of Matrix damage on the target’s Condition Monitor.
      • The presence of a data bomb on a file.
      • The programs being run by a persona.
      • The target’s device rating.
      • The target’s commode.
      • The rating of one of the target’s Matrix attributes.
      • The type of icon (host, persona, device, file), if it is using a non-standard (or even illegal) look.
      • Whether a file is protected, and at what rating.
      • The grid a persona, device, or host is using.
      • If you’re out on the grid, whether there is an icon running silent within 100 meters.
      • If you’re in a host, whether there is an icon running silent in the host.
      • If you know at least one feature of an icon running silent, you can spot the icon (Running Silent, below).
      • The last Matrix action an icon performed, and when.
      • The marks on an icon, but not their owners.
  • Running Silent
    • Switching to silent running is a Simple Action
    • -2 to all Matrix Actions while running silent
    • See "Matrix Spotting Table->Running silent" for spotting rules
    • Any owner can set a Matrix object to silent running
  • Noticing Hackers
    • A successful Attack or a failed Sleaze will result in detection
    • IC may be launched (only if in a host)
  • Recognition Keys (marks)
    • Marks are individualized to their owner
    • Icons can invite other icons for 1-3 marks (Invite Mark action)
    • Otherwise, Brute Force and Hack on the Fly are the only other options
    • Marks are invisible to everyone but the mark owner, but can be spotted with Matrix Perception
    • All marks you have and are on you are removed when you reboot
    • Marks can never be given or transferred
  • Owners
    • Every device, persona, host, and file has an owner.
    • Each Matrix object can only have one owner.
    • "For all intents and purposes, owning an icon is the same as having four marks on it." (p.236)
    • Owning a device and being its owner are not necessarily the same (e.g. if you steal someone else's commlink)
    • Matrix Ownership is registered with the device and the grids
    • Ownership can be transferred (if you are the owner) in a ~1 minute process
    • You can illegally change a device's owner with:
      • Hardware toolkit
      • Extended Hardware + Logic [Mental] (24, 1 hour)
      • Glitch results in an alert sent out to the authorities
      • Note that changing a file's ownership can be done with Edit File to copy, then delete original
      • Personas and hosts can never have ownership changed
  • Matrix Teamwork Tests
    • Assistants perform the same test, and each hit gives the leader +1 to their limit and dice pool (max is the Assistant's skill rating)
    • {{{There is no specific ruling on how teamwork should work on Matrix actions, so all of the below is a house rule}}}
      • When trying to assist another on a Matrix action, they both must be in the same host (if any)
      • If they are on different grids, the normal "different grid" penalty applies
      • Both characters accrue overwatch score from the action
      • Add 1 to OS for both characters for each hit on the teamwork test
  • Programs
    • Come in Common and Hacking types (Hacking programs are illegal)
    • Cannot duplicate programs on the deck
    • Only provides benefit while the program is running
    • Programs appear as icons connected to your persona
  • Agents
    • Autonomous programs rated from 1-6
    • Take up one program slot on your deck
    • Can use programs running on the same device as them
    • Use the Matrix attributes of the device they run on (e.g. your cyberdeck)
    • Use their own rating for other attributes (e.g. Mental)
    • Intelligence is equivalent to Pilot Programs (p. 269) of the same rating
    • Attacks on the agent are attacks on you
    • Agents can run independently of you and have their own persona when doing so
  • Hosts (p.246)
    • No physical spot, but could be tethered to one (e.g. clubs, stores)
    • Entering a host requires going through the actual host icon
    • Always on a specific grid, but once inside the originating grid is irrelevant
    • Can run IC
    • Have file archives that hold files that aren't in use, cannot be hacked
    • Hosts have a Host Rating (HR)
      • Attack, Sleaze, Data Processing, Firewall
      • Ratings are typically (HR + 3), (HR + 2), (HR + 1), (HR)
      • IC have the same ratings as their host
    • Host Convergence
      • Overwatch Score accumulates while inside the host
      • When convergence occurs, host gets three marks on you and deploys IC
      • Leaving a host after convergence results in immediately grid convergence (should just jack out)
    • Intrusion Countermeasures (IC)
      • {{{Data Processing + Host Rating + 4D6}}}
        • Rules-as-written is (Initiative = Data Processing + Intuition + 4D6)
      • Hosts can launch one IC per turn, at the START of the turn
      • Hosts typically have Patrol IC running all the time
      • Hosts can run # of ICs equal to their Rating
      • Hosts are capped to only one per type of IC at a time
      • IC condition monitor = 8 + (Host Rating / 2) (p.228)
      • IC resist attacks with Device Rating + Firewall
      • IC attacks are:
        • (Host Rating) * 2 [Attack]
        • Complex Action
        • Note that failed attacks damage the IC as normal

Matrix Actions

  • Brute Force
    • attack and add a mark
  • Change Icon
  • Check Overwatch Score
  • Control Device
  • Crack File
  • Crash Program
  • Data Spike (Complex Action)
    • Cybercombat + Logic [Attack] v. Intuition + Firewall
    • Matrix Damage = Attack + 1/net hit + 2/mark
    • If you are Data Spiking an icon you are the owner of, that counts as 4 marks (+8 DV)
  • Disarm Data Bomb
  • Edit File
    • Can be used to protect files
  • Enter/Exit Host
  • Erase Mark
  • Erase Matrix Signature
  • Full Matrix Defense
  • Grid Hop
  • Hack on the Fly
    • Stealth add a mark
  • Hide
  • Invite Mark
  • Jack Out
  • Jam Signals
  • Jump Into Rigged Device
  • Matrix Perception
    • Analyze an object or vicinity
  • Matrix Search
    • Search matrix for info
    • Can be public info, or private info on this host
    • Info:
      • General = 1 (1 minute)
      • Limited = 3 (30 mins)
      • Hidden = 6 (12 hours)
    • Modifiers:
      • -1 intricate or specialized
      • -2 obscure
      • -2 on another grid
  • Reboot Device
    • if mark = 3, reboot device (specify delay to start back up 0-infinite)
    • only works on devices
    • Doesn't work on link-locked
  • Send Message
  • Set Data Bomb
  • Snoop
    • if mark >=1, intercept traffic to and from target
  • Spoof Command
    • if mark >=1, send a command
    • only works on devices and agents
  • Switch Interface mode
  • Trace Icon
    • Find physical location of device or persona if mark >= 1
    • Doesn't work on hosts or IC (no physical presence)

Friday, January 16, 2015

[SR5] Nuyen scale

Electronic paper: 5
Chisel/Crowbar: 20
Flashlight: 25
10 Gel bullets: 25
Standard Rope: 50 per 100m
Trodes: 70
10 Explosive bullets: 80
Cheapest commlink (Meta Link): 100
Frag Grenade: 100
BTL (Tripchip): 100
Drug (Kamikaze): 100
Concealable holster: 150
Gas mask: 200
Maglock Rating 3 (100 x Rating): 300
Combat Knife: 300
Medium quality heavy pistol (Colt Government 2066): 425
Sword: 500
Area Jammer Rating 3 (200 x Rating): 600
Medkit Rating 3 (250 x Rating): 750
Fly-spy drone (MCT Fly-Spy): 1,000
Shotgun (PJSS Model 55): 1,000
Disposable Missile Launcher: 1,200
Medium-quality Assault Rifle (FN HAR): 1,500
Full body armor: 2,000
Anti-vehicle rocket: 2,800
Electric scooter (Dodge Scoot): 3,000
Medium guard drone (GM-Nissan Doberman): 5,000
Medium-quality Machine Gun (Stoner-Ares M202): 7,000
Large VTOL recon drone (Cyberspace Designs Dalmatian): 10,000
Medium-quality Sniper Rifle: 10,300
Activesoft Rating 3 (5000 x Rating): 15,000
Mid-range Family sedan (Ford Americar): 16,000
Luxury Sedan (SK-Bentley Concordat): 65,000
Civilian 4-seater plane (Cessna C750): 146,000
Armored luxury limo (Mitsubishi Nightsky): 320,000
VTOL commuter 30-seat plane (Federated Boeing Commuter): 360,000

*Base 3,000 - 217,000
*Used modifier x.75  ... Deltaware modifier x2.5

4,000 - 165,000

Cultured Bioware:
2,000 - 285,000

[SR5] Rigging Rules Summary

Anything with a pipe | means "or".
Anything in curly braces {{{ }}} is a house rule.

*Rigging (p. 264)

  • Control rig augmentation connects to cerebrum, brain stem...
    • built in sim module that can Direct Neural Interface other devices
    • Universal Data connector and cable (basically a datajack)
  • Control type (highest to lowest priority);
    • Rigger control
    • Remote control
    • Manual Control
    • Autopilot
      • Receiving contradicting commands at the same level before an action results in no action
  • Noise
    • Wireless has Noise Penalty (p. 230)
    • Direct connections have no noise
  • "Jump in" rules
    • You can only jump into a device that has the Rigger Interface (p.461, $1000)
    • You can only be in VR when jumped in (p. 241 "Jump Into Rigged Device")
    • Method of jumping
      • If you are already in AR, it's a Complex Action
      • If you already in VR, it's a simple action
      • Direct connection is simple action
    • To jump into another rigged device while already in VR, you can use "Jump Into Rigged Device" (Simple Action) if it's slaved (p. 266)
      •  If it's not slaved, you have to jump out and back in again
    • To jump out, use the "Switch Interface Mode" (Simple Action) to go back to VR or AR
    • Vehicle actions as Matrix actions (any matrix bonus applies to Vehicle actions such as Control, Gunnery, Sensor)
    • All vehicle LIMITS are increased by the rating of your control rig (e.g. Sensor, Speed, Handling, Accuracy [only when fired by rigger])
      • Includes vehicle/drone sensor, speed, handling, weapon accuracy
    • Cold-sim initiative = initiative + 2d6
    • Hot-sim initiative = initiative + 3d6 (note that the only benefit to hot-sim is the initiative bonus)
      • Hot-sim also gives +2 to all Matrix tests (p.230)
      • Biofeedback damage is Physical, not Stun
    • protects the drone from direct matrix attack (they see and must attack your persona instead)
    • Physical damage to the drone (while jumped in)
      • You must resist half the damage taken (round up as usual) as Biofeedback (p. 229)
      • Stun if cold-sim, Physical if hot-sim
      • Resist using Willpower + Firewall
  • Remote Control (p. 238 "Control Device")
    • Action time is equivalent to the time it would take you to perform the action
    • All actions use either the normal limit for the action (e.g. accuracy) or your Data Processing rating, whichever is lower
    • If there is no similar action to what you want to do, use:
      • Electronic Warfare + Intuition[Sleaze] vs. Intuition + Firewall
    • If you are issuing the same order to all or some of the devices, you are not penalized
    • If you are doing differnt actions you must split your dice pool into # of groups = # of devices you want to control with a single action
    • Whenever you use your Sleaze as a limit it counts as a Sleaze action (e.g. Overwatch, reverse mark on failure)
      • Minimum marks to perform an action:
        • Free = 1
        • Simple = 2
        • Standard/Complex = 3
    • Rigger Command Console (RCC) (p. 266)
      • analagous to a cyberdeck
      • primarily used to create a Personal Area Network (PAN) to master-slave drones
      • Data Processing used for VR initiative and is the Command test Limit on the RCC
      • Can be used to reduce Noise and/or improve "Sharing"
        • Set when you boot the RCC. Noise + Sharing cannot exceed Device Rating
        • Noise is a straight reduction (this applies even to non-slaved drones)
        • Sharing is the # of simultaneous autosofts that can run on slaved drones
          • Drones running their own autosofts cannot use any RCC autosofts
          • The autosofts are running on ALL drones simultaneously, excluding above
        • Values can be changed while running using the Change Device Mode action (p.163)
          • Firewall used to protect against all attacks on the slaved drone network
      • Can give a command to one, some, or all of your slaved drones with a Simple action
      • Can jump from one slaved drone to another without "jumping out" first
        • Commands issued are acted on the drone's turn, not the rigger's
      • Can slave up to (Device Rating x 3) drones
        • PAN:
          • When slaved device forced to make a defense test, it can use either its rating or its master's rating
          • Thus against a Brute Force attack you could use your (Willpower + RCC Firewall), instead of (Drone Device Rating x 2)
          • If an attacker gets a mark on a slave, they get a mark on the RCC
          • RCC cannot help defend against a direct connection
        • WAN:
          • All drones have zero noise regardless of distance
          • Requires devices to be slaved to a host
    • Drones
      • Device Rating = Pilot Rating
      • Device Rating is used whenever mental attribute needed
      • Drones are considered "devices" in the Matrix
      • When issued a "novel, unexpected or a complicated command" (and no one is jumped in) must roll DR x 2
        • One hit means that it performs the command
        • else does nothing
      • Perception = Pilot + Clearsight[Sensor]
      • Infiltration 
        • (Autonomous) Pilot + Stealth [Handling] vs. Perception + Intuition [Mental]
        • (Jumped in) Intuition + Stealth [Handling] vs. Perception + Intuition [Mental]
      • Initiative
        • Autonomous: (Pilot x 2) + 4D6
        • Jumped in: Rigger's VR initiative
      • Have both Physical and Matrix damage tracks. Filling up either one renders the drone inoperable.
      • Attacking
        • When autonomous: Pilot + (Weapon Targeting Autosoft)[Weapon Accuracy]
        • When jumped in: Gunnery + Agility[Weapon Accuracy + Control Rig Rating] (p. 238)
          • Note that the control rig is not the same as the RCC
      • Drones must have an autosoft for their wielded weapon to attack. (p. 183)
      • Defending
        • Tests
          • Standard defense test: Pilot + {{{Maneuvering_autosoft}}}[Handling]
          • Full defense test: Pilot + {{{Maneuvering_autosoft}}} + (Pilot|RCC Rating)[Handling]
        • Pilot takes the place of Reaction (p.199)
        • Drones roll their Pilot + Autosoft [Handling]" does not specify the autosoft p. 205
      • Resisting Damage
        • Test is Body + Armor (minus AP) as normal
        • Physical Condition Monitor = 6 + (Body / 2)
        • Matrix Condition Monitor = 8 + (Pilot / 2)       {p. 228 Matrix Damage}
        • If modified physical DV is < modified armor, attack deals no damage
        • Ignore stun damage
        • Do not suffer wound modifiers
      • Recoil
        • Recoil compensation = drone Body + any built-in weapon RC
        • Vehicle and Drone mounted weapons have the advantage of a sturdy platform from which to fire." p. 176
      • Can hold (autosofts|cyberprograms) up to DR / 2 (round up as usual)
      • Swapping an autosoft or cyberprogram is a Complex Matrix Action
      • Autosofts have a device rating from 1-6
        • Availability = DR * 2, Cost = DR * 500 [this is from the errata]
        • Clearsight, Electronic Warfare, Evasion, Maneuvering, Stealth, Targeting are the only autosofts
      • Cyberprograms are still capped to one of the same type per RCC
        • p.269 Rigger-specific Cyberprograms
      • Autosofts are skill improvements, cyberprograms are like passive buffs
      • Repairing Drones
        • Rules-as-written (from Run & Gun p.143, incl. errata fix):
          • 2% per physical box repaired in materials
          • Labor cost is (Skill Rating * hours spent * 10)¥
          • Extended test (Automotive|Aeronautic) Mechanic + Logic[Mental] (12/18/24 depending on difficulty, 1 hour)
        • {{{My house rules to allow drones to be recovered past "death"}}}
          • 2% per box in materials
          • 10% per overflow box in materials
          • Small drones can only be recovered from overflow equal to their BOD, larger drones BOD * 2
          • Labor cost is (Skill Rating * hours spent * 10)¥
          • Extended test (Automotive|Aeronautic) Mechanic + Logic[Mental] (12/18/24 depending on difficulty, 1 hour)
    • Specific Drone Rules
      • {{{MCT Fly-Spy gets -2 to attempts to detect it}}}
      • {{{Ares Duelist attacks with Agility+Blades[accuracy]}}}

    There is also a PDF file of rules made by Automaton that has nearly the same rules as what I've listed above, but in a different format.

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