Friday, January 16, 2015

[SR5] Rigging Rules Summary

Anything with a pipe | means "or".
Anything in curly braces {{{ }}} is a house rule.

*Rigging (p. 264)

  • Control rig augmentation connects to cerebrum, brain stem...
    • built in sim module that can Direct Neural Interface other devices
    • Universal Data connector and cable (basically a datajack)
  • Control type (highest to lowest priority);
    • Rigger control
    • Remote control
    • Manual Control
    • Autopilot
      • Receiving contradicting commands at the same level before an action results in no action
  • Noise
    • Wireless has Noise Penalty (p. 230)
    • Direct connections have no noise
  • "Jump in" rules
    • You can only jump into a device that has the Rigger Interface (p.461, $1000)
    • You can only be in VR when jumped in (p. 241 "Jump Into Rigged Device")
    • Method of jumping
      • If you are already in AR, it's a Complex Action
      • If you already in VR, it's a simple action
      • Direct connection is simple action
    • To jump into another rigged device while already in VR, you can use "Jump Into Rigged Device" (Simple Action) if it's slaved (p. 266)
      •  If it's not slaved, you have to jump out and back in again
    • To jump out, use the "Switch Interface Mode" (Simple Action) to go back to VR or AR
    • Vehicle actions as Matrix actions (any matrix bonus applies to Vehicle actions such as Control, Gunnery, Sensor)
    • All vehicle LIMITS are increased by the rating of your control rig (e.g. Sensor, Speed, Handling, Accuracy [only when fired by rigger])
      • Includes vehicle/drone sensor, speed, handling, weapon accuracy
    • Cold-sim initiative = initiative + 2d6
    • Hot-sim initiative = initiative + 3d6 (note that the only benefit to hot-sim is the initiative bonus)
      • Hot-sim also gives +2 to all Matrix tests (p.230)
      • Biofeedback damage is Physical, not Stun
    • protects the drone from direct matrix attack (they see and must attack your persona instead)
    • Physical damage to the drone (while jumped in)
      • You must resist half the damage taken (round up as usual) as Biofeedback (p. 229)
      • Stun if cold-sim, Physical if hot-sim
      • Resist using Willpower + Firewall
  • Remote Control (p. 238 "Control Device")
    • Action time is equivalent to the time it would take you to perform the action
    • All actions use either the normal limit for the action (e.g. accuracy) or your Data Processing rating, whichever is lower
    • If there is no similar action to what you want to do, use:
      • Electronic Warfare + Intuition[Sleaze] vs. Intuition + Firewall
    • If you are issuing the same order to all or some of the devices, you are not penalized
    • If you are doing differnt actions you must split your dice pool into # of groups = # of devices you want to control with a single action
    • Whenever you use your Sleaze as a limit it counts as a Sleaze action (e.g. Overwatch, reverse mark on failure)
      • Minimum marks to perform an action:
        • Free = 1
        • Simple = 2
        • Standard/Complex = 3
    • Rigger Command Console (RCC) (p. 266)
      • analagous to a cyberdeck
      • primarily used to create a Personal Area Network (PAN) to master-slave drones
      • Data Processing used for VR initiative and is the Command test Limit on the RCC
      • Can be used to reduce Noise and/or improve "Sharing"
        • Set when you boot the RCC. Noise + Sharing cannot exceed Device Rating
        • Noise is a straight reduction (this applies even to non-slaved drones)
        • Sharing is the # of simultaneous autosofts that can run on slaved drones
          • Drones running their own autosofts cannot use any RCC autosofts
          • The autosofts are running on ALL drones simultaneously, excluding above
        • Values can be changed while running using the Change Device Mode action (p.163)
          • Firewall used to protect against all attacks on the slaved drone network
      • Can give a command to one, some, or all of your slaved drones with a Simple action
      • Can jump from one slaved drone to another without "jumping out" first
        • Commands issued are acted on the drone's turn, not the rigger's
      • Can slave up to (Device Rating x 3) drones
        • PAN:
          • When slaved device forced to make a defense test, it can use either its rating or its master's rating
          • Thus against a Brute Force attack you could use your (Willpower + RCC Firewall), instead of (Drone Device Rating x 2)
          • If an attacker gets a mark on a slave, they get a mark on the RCC
          • RCC cannot help defend against a direct connection
        • WAN:
          • All drones have zero noise regardless of distance
          • Requires devices to be slaved to a host
    • Drones
      • Device Rating = Pilot Rating
      • Device Rating is used whenever mental attribute needed
      • Drones are considered "devices" in the Matrix
      • When issued a "novel, unexpected or a complicated command" (and no one is jumped in) must roll DR x 2
        • One hit means that it performs the command
        • else does nothing
      • Perception = Pilot + Clearsight[Sensor]
      • Infiltration 
        • (Autonomous) Pilot + Stealth [Handling] vs. Perception + Intuition [Mental]
        • (Jumped in) Intuition + Stealth [Handling] vs. Perception + Intuition [Mental]
      • Initiative
        • Autonomous: (Pilot x 2) + 4D6
        • Jumped in: Rigger's VR initiative
      • Have both Physical and Matrix damage tracks. Filling up either one renders the drone inoperable.
      • Attacking
        • When autonomous: Pilot + (Weapon Targeting Autosoft)[Weapon Accuracy]
        • When jumped in: Gunnery + Agility[Weapon Accuracy + Control Rig Rating] (p. 238)
          • Note that the control rig is not the same as the RCC
      • Drones must have an autosoft for their wielded weapon to attack. (p. 183)
      • Defending
        • Tests
          • Standard defense test: Pilot + {{{Maneuvering_autosoft}}}[Handling]
          • Full defense test: Pilot + {{{Maneuvering_autosoft}}} + (Pilot|RCC Rating)[Handling]
        • Pilot takes the place of Reaction (p.199)
        • Drones roll their Pilot + Autosoft [Handling]" does not specify the autosoft p. 205
      • Resisting Damage
        • Test is Body + Armor (minus AP) as normal
        • Physical Condition Monitor = 6 + (Body / 2)
        • Matrix Condition Monitor = 8 + (Pilot / 2)       {p. 228 Matrix Damage}
        • If modified physical DV is < modified armor, attack deals no damage
        • Ignore stun damage
        • Do not suffer wound modifiers
      • Recoil
        • Recoil compensation = drone Body + any built-in weapon RC
        • Vehicle and Drone mounted weapons have the advantage of a sturdy platform from which to fire." p. 176
      • Can hold (autosofts|cyberprograms) up to DR / 2 (round up as usual)
      • Swapping an autosoft or cyberprogram is a Complex Matrix Action
      • Autosofts have a device rating from 1-6
        • Availability = DR * 2, Cost = DR * 500 [this is from the errata]
        • Clearsight, Electronic Warfare, Evasion, Maneuvering, Stealth, Targeting are the only autosofts
      • Cyberprograms are still capped to one of the same type per RCC
        • p.269 Rigger-specific Cyberprograms
      • Autosofts are skill improvements, cyberprograms are like passive buffs
      • Repairing Drones
        • Rules-as-written (from Run & Gun p.143, incl. errata fix):
          • 2% per physical box repaired in materials
          • Labor cost is (Skill Rating * hours spent * 10)¥
          • Extended test (Automotive|Aeronautic) Mechanic + Logic[Mental] (12/18/24 depending on difficulty, 1 hour)
        • {{{My house rules to allow drones to be recovered past "death"}}}
          • 2% per box in materials
          • 10% per overflow box in materials
          • Small drones can only be recovered from overflow equal to their BOD, larger drones BOD * 2
          • Labor cost is (Skill Rating * hours spent * 10)¥
          • Extended test (Automotive|Aeronautic) Mechanic + Logic[Mental] (12/18/24 depending on difficulty, 1 hour)
    • Specific Drone Rules
      • {{{MCT Fly-Spy gets -2 to attempts to detect it}}}
      • {{{Ares Duelist attacks with Agility+Blades[accuracy]}}}

    There is also a PDF file of rules made by Automaton that has nearly the same rules as what I've listed above, but in a different format.

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