General tips
- Sell damaged crowbars for nearly their entire value.
- Zlata is the only person who plays the guitar well (and you hear a different song).
- Garage
- An old man and his son run this place. The son desperately wants medicine for his father and will give you an outrageous amount for it. Additionally, he sells tools and parts very cheaply.
- Central Square
- Easily the most exploitable location in the game. There are four specialized vendors (medicine, food, parts, drugs) that all sell their own items extremely cheaply. You can literally buy all of their items just by trading between them. The most efficient way to do this is to either bring alcohol or trade for it from the drugs vendor, then use that to purchase everything else.
- I'm 100% the prices are bugged (you can trade 1 sugar or 1 water for basically everything a vendor has) but it's not patched yet as of 11/19.
Item Value Chart When Selling to the house salesman (everything relative to 1 Component)
- 1 Medicine = 26 Components
- 1 Bandage = 22 Components
- 1 Mixer = 20 Components
- 1 Pistol = 17 Components
- 1 Knife = 14 Components
- 1 Pure Alcohol = 9.5 Components
- 1 Broken Guitar = 8 Components
- 1 Raw Food = 7 Components
- 1 Saw Blade = 6 Components
- 1 Moonshine = 5.5 Components
- 1 Lockpick = 5 Components
- 1 Electric Part = 4 Components
- 1 Fertilizer = 3.5 Components
- 1 Ammunition = 2.8 Components
- 1 Book = 2.5 Components
- 1Weapon Part = 2 Components
- 1 (Mechanical) Part = 2 Components
- 1 Homemade Tobacco = 2 Components
- 1 Real Cigarette = 1.66 Components
- 1 Wood = 1.25 Components
- 1 Sugar = .8 Components
- 1 Coffee = .8 Components (price fluctuates a lot)
- 1 Quality Roll-up = .8 Components
- 1 Gunpower = 5/6 Component
- 1 Shell Casing = 5/6 Component