Saturday, August 9, 2014

Black Cove Quest: Billeh Gahr Puzzle

You enter a normal-looking house when you're confronted with a ghost who tells you that the room is trapped to explode if you move at all.  What do you do?

To solve this, you will need teleportation.  I'm sure there's a way you can do it without teleportation, but it'd be tough.

First, find the switch.  It's under the crate in the middle of the room, but very hard to see. Crate is highlighted below.

Now that the crate is gone, you can see the switch.

Teleport any party member next to the switch...

Then have them push the switch.  The trap will be disarmed.

Atlas of Worlds Strategy (Path of Exile Heist League 5.12)

 Despite reading the wiki and other good resources, I still found the POE atlas/map dropping to be extremely confusing. I've written a s...